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Rails paperclip download multiple files

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Rails Paperclip & Multiple File Uploads - Stack Overflow

Mar 03,  · paperclip-multiple. paperclip-multiple is a storage implementation for aims to help migrating files from filesystem storage to fog storage.. It provides the multiple storage which instantiates two Attachments, one using filesystem storage and another using fog storage. From the moment the multiple storage is enabled, new files will be stored on both locations while still. Downloading files from Paperclip. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 11 months ago. Browse other questions tagged ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 download paperclip or ask your own question. Simplifying multiple \foreach loops Quit a PhD for another PhD Should I provide my username and password for my brokerage account to my mortgage lender to. Contribute to sandeep19/multiple_file_upload_paperclip_rails development by creating an account on GitHub.

rails paperclip download multiple files

Rails paperclip download multiple files

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read rails paperclip download multiple files understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. I have looked in to options such a Jquery File Upload and Uploadify but have yet to come across good examples with a working solution.

That allows the user to select multiple files in their file browser. But how can I process these with a nested model? And get them to upload, rails paperclip download multiple files. It looks like you're trying to build an "asset" as if it's a Rails association. If you want to attach 5 files, you would need to do something like:. That way, you could have multiple assets attached to one listing you didn't say what the original object was so I just called it "listing".

You'll have to use something beyond Rails built-in form handling if you want multiple-file upload. Uploadify is a decent choice that I've used before. However, I cannot vouch for how good it is. My advice would be to start step-by-step. Uploading via Flash to Rails can be a complicated process that involves dealing with the CSRF meta-tag and other fields in your form. Start by making a form that allows a user to upload one file and stores it through Paperclip.

Then try adding Uploadify or another alternative. When you try calling listing. There is an asset. You need to create a separate model yourself and use Rails' associations if you want multiple files.

This is assuming you're already able to upload one image but want to upgrade to multiple images at once. Notice that wait time will increase. To help reduce wait time, peep my post on this question related to speed uploading.

Here is a full example of multiple file uploads. Each upload model has an avatar which represents the file attachment. Ultimately: we are creating many uploads when we create the user. Learn more. Asked 7 years, 9 months ago. Active 1 year ago. Viewed 18k times. James Chevalier 9, 1 1 gold badge 39 39 silver badges 64 64 bronze badges.

So there are a few issues here. I already do have another model rails paperclip download multiple files called "Listing". I already can upload multiple assets, just not through a single "Choose File" field.

I haven't solved the problem of managing these uploads properly yet, but I know that post parameter includes an array of the multiple files you have picked and uploaded. Just to add to this: i would move the file uploading to ajax, allowing you to gather a list of files from the user and then upload them one at a time in the background: this way it would appear to the user that they rails paperclip download multiple files uploaded lots of files at once, even though behind the scenes that's not what's happening.

You can also set any other params for how the resulting records might need to be organised on the server. For file upload with ajax jquerywhich can be a bit tricky to get right, see eg abandon. Accepted answer says there is no such thing as a multiple file upload in HTML.

Cruz Nunez Cruz Nunez 1, 1 1 gold badge 15 15 silver badges 22 22 bronze badges. I would upvote this so many times if I could. I was stuck for an entire day and found this first thing the next morning. GREAT way to start the day!! Neil Neil 5, 9 9 gold badges 34 34 silver badges 95 95 bronze badges.

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Direct Uploads with Rails ActiveStorage

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Rails paperclip download multiple files

rails paperclip download multiple files

file download link in rails. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 2 months ago. How would you adjust this for multiple files? def download_file redirect_to end share | improve this answer. edited Aug 19 '16 at answered Feb 15 '16 at Mar 03,  · paperclip-multiple. paperclip-multiple is a storage implementation for aims to help migrating files from filesystem storage to fog storage.. It provides the multiple storage which instantiates two Attachments, one using filesystem storage and another using fog storage. From the moment the multiple storage is enabled, new files will be stored on both locations while still. Contribute to hackhowtofaq/multiple_file_upload_paperclip_rails development by creating an account on GitHub.

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